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Current Special Projects

Direct Your Giving to the following GME projects and needs:

Cool Shade Church Repairs

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Jamaica Work

The church is undergoing major renovations to replace the wooden rafters and metal sheet roof with a concrete slab roof which is more durable during the hurricane season each year. The current rafters in the roof are over 40 years old and have rotted and been eaten by termites. 
This has created a somewhat critical need, as during major hurricanes the church is considered a shelter and refuge for those lacking adequate protection from the winds in the area. Also, the housing structures owned by the pastor and his family that are a part of the mission/church property are in dire need of concrete and roof repairs. As the area is subject to extreme humidity during the rainy season, often followed by droughts in the winter/ spring seasons, this is hard on buildings as well as the people. More info about Coolshade Miracle Church... 

Betlaada Teen Challenge Men's Dorm

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Ibadab, Nigeria

We are excited to announce our latest GME project! We are helping Raymond Ajagbe and Betlaada Adult & Teen Challenge build a men's dorm that will house 50 men in Ibadab Nigeria.

Raymond Ajagbe is a Nigerian man who lived in Canada in his 20’s. He went to college in Saskatchewan where he was introduced to drugs and became addicted. This led him into selling drugs and he wound up getting in trouble with the law and put in jail. He was acquitted of the charges but was deported back to Nigeria. Raymond knew of God growing up and was introduced to a relationship with Christ while in prison. When he got back to Nigeria, he felt the Lord leading him to connect with a local church where God spoke to him clearly about his calling to help the addicted find freedom. His ministry started quite simply by going out into the streets of Nigeria and preaching to the addicted/homeless and helping them find a relationship with the Lord. He eventually acquired a house that he started using as a treatment Centre to house addicted men. Raymond was connected with Global Teen Challenge who took interest in his work and the great need to fight addiction in his community. Raymond has now been trained by Global Teen Challenge and he is the official director of Betlaada Adult & Teen Challenge Nigeria. He administers the 1-year Teen Challenge program for all those that enter his doors, quite similar to the program here in Canada. His students are finding freedom from addictions and are becoming well equipped to minister the gospel. They go out a few times a week and preach in the streets where they encounter the homeless and addicted and pray with them. Many students find out about the program and enter through their street ministry.  He has been operating out of the house he rents for a few years now and has recently been given some land to build a permanent centre on. Raymond has worked with a local Architect to develop blueprints of a Teen Challenge community where there will be several buildings, including, male and female housing, a training centre, staff housing, a sports centre, and a church building. The start of this project is aimed at building the male housing facility which will house up to 50 men. Raymond has already struck a deal with the local prisons to accept men and help them. The local prisons house men who have been found innocent of their charges or have served their terms but have nowhere to go. It is better for them to keep them there than to send them back to the streets. With a permanent facility, Raymond will be able to take in some of these men and disciple them to live for the Lord and get back on their feet. We believe God wants to use this facility to help many people find freedom from addictions and life with the Lord. Please help us get Raymond set up with a permanent Teen Challenge facility so his ministry can flourish.
Thanks to Rob Hinz and Pastor John Drisner from Saskatoon who have spear-headed the fund raising efforts for this project. Our initial target is $31,000 CAD, please pray how you can partner with us to see this important work completed. You can donate by using the link below:

All donations are tax receipted. You can make donations in the following ways:

  • By mailing a check directly to GME (48-8th St. NW Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 2M3). Make checks payable to Gospel Missionary Enterprises. Specify the ministry or initiative that you would like to direct the money towards.

  • By clicking the link below and go to our online site for electronic donations through Stripe. Select the name name of the initiative in the drop down menu. The default is general.

  • By texting any amount to 84321 and indicate the first name of the initiative (Example: X$ Jamaica) . The default is general. (Standard message & data rates may apply. For more info on text to give follow this LINK).


The Jamaica Work

The Story of the Cool-Shade Miracle Church in Jamaica

Written on February 26th, 1990 by sister D. Nugent of Cool Shade Jamaica after the passing of Floyd Larson, “A tribute to our late founder, Pastor, Teacher and Friend. A man of great Faith and thus, of action…Thou shall guide me with thy counsel and after word receive me to Glory” Ps. 73 vs. 26. Sunrise February 8, 1920 — Sunset January 21, 2000.

The late Bro. Floyd Larson came into this mountain of Cool Shade thirty (30) years ago. Along with him came his wife, Sis. Winnifred (affectionately called Sis. Winnie). She predeceased him some eleven and a half (11/2) years ago.

The cry of their hearts, they said, before leaving their native Canada, was like Caleb of old, Lord give us this mountain in Jamaica; Josh. 14:12 (what mountain it was not revealed to them).  But like the Lamb provided for Abraham's sacrifice, God was preparing the hearts of his people in this mountain of Cool-Shade.

They were invited by some fellow-Canadians to a church in Kingston our island's capital. There the door was closed against them. Of course, it had to be, for Kingston is a plain, not a mountain. They were then invited by the Senior Bergmans, fellow Canadians to Heathfield close to the township of Linstead. These folks dwelling was situated close to a roadside, where they were able to see all who passed by. The rest of that story brings us to the history of the Larson's ending up in Cool Shade. Here the Great I Am opened a door great and effectual.

They did not waste anytime after settling in. They began to preach the Good News of God's great love and His boundless grace in open air meetings and to all the passers-by. People were hungering and thirsting for the Word of God, and so they gladly and eagerly accepted the gospel message. We then began to meet on the little verandah of their rented house for Bible Study. Their occupying this house was the beginning of miracles, apart from themselves, being the first white people to live in this area. This house was the former home of a veterinarian of W.W.I. Charles Brown by name. He was called Christian Rest Brown because of a large sign at the entrance of his propel-y which read CHRISTIAN REST.

He was a Godly man but was believed by many to be shell-shocked. He repeatedly spoke of white people coming into this mountain area and building a church, a school, a community store and that there would be a stone quarry to utilize the abundance of stone that is here. He also spoke of the ladies doing craft work. He spoke to whosoever would lend him a listening ear, so this was indeed no secret. It was in truth prophecy in which the Larson's were the KEY PERSONS. Christian Rest Brown was so positive that he said, he would donate five (5) acres of this land for the building of a church and a school. This was not put down in writing, so his wife and eldest daughter decided they could give only half (1/2) an acre, on which site stands the church and school where we are today gathered.

Brother Larson, being told by many of what was said before called him Prophet Brown (The prophet died some four (4) years before Bro. Floyd and Sis. Winnie came on the scene.) The prophet Brown's wife and eldest daughter went to live in Kingston, leaving him and his oldest grandson. After the prophet's death his grandson went to visit his mother and grandmother in Kingston, leaving his family behind. When the young mother did not see him return, she packed up and off she too went to Kingston with her three (3) young children. Thus, the house was made vacant to accommodate the Larson's and partly furnished too right on the prophet's property. Brother Larson was given permission to build a temporary place of worship. He was desirous of having a baptism, but there was a snag here. All the new converts, excepting one couple, were living in common-law relationship. He encouraged us to get married, showing from the scriptures that marriage was an honorable estate, to which we all agreed.

Bro. Larson asked where the nearest available place for a baptism was. He was taken to Springvale a district six (6) miles from here. He decided that was too great a distance, so he decided to build a pool right on spot. This was truly faith put into action. He acquired for himself all the necessary tools, a good Jamaican labourer would need. It was a wonder and amazement to see this burly, brawny, white man sledging, digging, pick-axing, and shoveling away in the broiling March and April sun. Of course, those to whom he had been ministering the WORD fell in and gave a helping hand; even some who had not yet responded. Very soon, a sizeable excavation was obtained. Then came time for the concrete work. It was dry season, but the people had a mind to work.  Water was carried from the parish tank about a mile away on heads and on donkeys for doing the cementing.

Permission was asked of person in charge of the tank for us to have few drums of water for the baptism, but this was refused. As the builder of the pool the late Bro. Nugent drew the last stroke of his trowel on the pool on Saturday, 18th April 1970, there came Bro. Ken Stanigar with his truck from Linstead, laden with eleven (11) drums of water for our baptism which was set for Saturday, 19th April. During this time some of the converts were preparing to get married for baptism. The first couple were married April 14th and two (2) more couples on April 18th. These were all duly baptized along with the couple who were previously married on Sunday morning April 19th, 1970.  This our very first baptism drew a very large gathering from this and surrounding districts. This crested history as it was the very first to take place in this mountain.

Thus, was born the Cool shade Miracle Church along with Sis. Icylin Whyte, who was the instrument God used to bring his trusted, tried, and proven servants to his mountain which he committed to their change as was stated before the new converts on the Larson's verandah. This was a cramping position as the numbers steadily grew, so a few of the men decided to go into the bushes to cut sticks. They erected the tent on Saturday and we worshipped there the Sunday following. It was crude, but well fortified, as Bro. Larson being the who he was had before hand obtained sheets of zinc donated by Bro. & Sis. Stanigar a canvas from Alcan.  This was our first Spiritual Home. There was always a great Spiritual feast in that humble building, as our leader was an able and gifted teacher. There, right there, many preachers from Canada and the U.S.A. ministered to us the good word of God as Prophet Brown had said they would.

The church grew steadily as news of the White Man's ministry spread, many more couples were joined in Holy Matrimony in late April the month of May and were added to the Church before the Larson's left for home. We were all young believers, but he decided that seven brethren should be chosen by the congregation (as was the case in the early church). These were left to occupy while they were away.

They returned at the end of the year bringing their young daughter with them. While home they solicited the aid of a retired Canadian teacher (Sis. Kathleen Winters) who started a Basic School in our Tent Church in 1971. Almost all the people of this mountain had accepted Christ as their Personal Saviour and Lord and were duly baptized in water. Some have moved, and some have gone to be with the Lord.

In 1972, Brother Larson got the present Church site leveled off by bulldozes and our tent was removed to this site while work began on our new building. The ladies got down to the business of breaking stones. This new building went up rapidly and was completed in record time with windows and doors all in place. Missionaries were always coming into minister to us. Some of them spent months with us. Bro. And Sis. Stanigar were with us occasionally, Sis. Stanigar organized a group of ladies from her church who volunteered to come up and teach us hand-craft. We did hats and bags. This was in fulfillment of the prophet's word also. God's plan for this mountain.

Later on, the Azan's of Supermarket-fame came and ministered to us occasionally. When the Larson's came to this mountain almost all the young men were engaged in the cultivation of ganja. He counseled them that was illegal, and they needed to be law-abiding citizens. He started a chicken rearing project among them, whereby they could help themselves and quitting the ganja growing. He also taught some of the young men the art of masonry, cutting and laying of stones.

He brought down on one of his yearly trips a chain saw for falling trees and cutting timber. He brought down a small truck to assist the market people. This area is predominantly a farming community. He brought a small property in Mexico (further up the mountain), so that his members who needed land space could farm there.  He furthermore cut a driving road leading to that property and beyond. This road is a blessing to the people who live in Mexico.

Time and space would fail to tell of the activities of this great man of God. Bro. Floyd Larson was a faithful and true servant of God. He was honest, kind hearted, loyal and upright. Full of hospitality and good works. He was a gentle - Gentleman who did not preach the word for filthy lucre.

He had fought a good fight, he has finished his course, he has kept the faith, henceforth there is laid up for him a crown of righteous, which the Lord the Righteous Judge shall give unto him on that day. And not to him only, but unto all those who love His appearing 2 Tim. 3:8.

May those of us whose golden opportunity it was to fall under his ministry, so live by the Grace of God, that we too might receive from the Master's hand that crown of righteousness. And not only so but will also be stars adorning the Larson's Crown. May his soul Rest in Peace.

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