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Casa Libertad
"Freedom House"

Cabo, Mexico

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GME Agent: Martin Vazquez
Director Casa Libertad

Casa Libertad (Freedom House) is a refuge home for men in San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico. Their mission is to assist men who have left a life of crime and substance abuse to begin living a life of freedom. The current residence can accommodate up to 30 residents.

Life is very basic at Casa Libertad. The men sleep on bunks made of wood with foam mattresses. They wash their clothes by hand. Poncho, a professional chef, enrolled in the program and is now a leader as well as the cook. They are very frugal with their food supplies; they cook with what they find on sale or discounted in the stores each day. During “COVID” life has become even more difficult as the men have been unable to get out to work which in the past has provided extra revenue for the "house" and therefore they have mostly been eating rice and beans.

In 2020 Casa Libertad relocated to a different facility and signed a seven-year lease with an option for an additional five years. It is a good, functional structure and appropriate for their needs. Over the past two years GME has been able to raise money that has gone towards much needed repairs and a paint job, as well as replacing worn out foam mattresses. Some of the money also went towards helping feed the men who have been instrumental in doing much of the work on the "house" themselves.

As part of their recovery from substance abuse, the men are provided with a safe and loving environment to begin the healing process in their lives. Central to this process is developing a relationship with God and a focus on Bible study and becoming part of the larger spiritual family (Iglesia Libertad en Cristo). When GME has been able to visit the home and men in the past, we were encouraged to see the hunger that these men have for the Word of God. It was a privilege to have Bible studies with these men and see many of them in church during the week, bringing their Bibles, participating in the services, and even taking notes.

Your prayers and monthly or one time donation to this ministry are greatly appreciated!

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