YWAM Montana
SDTS June 24-November 17, 2023

YWAM Montana Summer DTS 2023
I've started my DTS (Discipleship Training School) at YWAM Montana, it is a 5 month program where we'll be trained the first 3 and then will be launched into the nations for 2 months on outreach. We've gone through so many amazing topics such as hearing Gods voice, learning about prayer and intersession, what it means to be a disciple of Christ and lordship. It has been an amazing environment to grow deeper in relationship with Christ and to simply lean basic skills in my own personal relationship with the Lord.
It has been announced that we will be doing our outreach in Cambodia at the beginning of September, serving in multiple different capacities with a couple different YWAM bases. One of the main ways we will be serving is with youth and kids ministries, reaching out to the community through sports, youth groups and community nights. Our leaders have been teaching us different skills that we will be needing on outreach such as how to share our testimonies and learning about the Cambodian culture. We have also been working with TESOL (Teaching English as a Second Language) to learn different ways to teach english to people as a way of outreach and connecting with the community.
Thank you for your support. May God bless you and keep you as you live out the purpose and calling He has for you.

Cambodia Outreach 2023​
Cambodia update!!!
We arrived in Cambodia the night of September 12, and drove to a YWAM base in Pailin Province. We've been serving there and helping out with different ministries such as soccer and teaching English to kids. A lot of the ministry here has been about forming relationships, and I have enjoyed becoming friends with the staff and the kids that we have met. We've had several opportunities to minister to kids through family nights, bible studies, youth groups or just hanging out with students. We've also had a few girls come to know Jesus. We've also been involved in some physical labor such as trimming bushes, pulling weeds cleaning churches and keeping the base clean. Our heart as a team coming into this outreach has been to serve the YWAM base here in any way they've needed, to come into this outreach with hands wide open, willing to jump into anything. It's been very impacting being in a culture different than North America, living in a different environment, experiencing different things. Seeing the poverty around but still seeing how people are so kind and hospitable through it all.
We've had several opportunity to take bags of rice to some family's who don't have a lot, and one of the places I went to was the house of one of the soccer boys. We got the chance to talk and minister to him where I felt the need to ask him what his purpose for living was. And to sum up what he said, it was to honor his parents, which seems to be a common answer here. I had another chance to preach the gospel to a girl in a taxi, she began to tell me about her life and what she did, and I felt the opening to ask her about her purpose as well. She ended up having a similar response, that she didn't really know what her purpose for living was other then her parents. I got the chance to tell her about Jesus and how He's got a plan for her and wants a relationship with her. She felt very encouraged after our conversation and I got the chance to pray for her. Ive noticed that a lot of the people here just go day to day without a real purpose for living. But being here has fueled more of a desire in me to tell more people about Jesus, to show that there is a reason for living, to tell everyone about the God who really loves them and has a plan for their future. The God who welcomes everyone with hands wide open into His family.
"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future"
-Jeremiah 29:11

*Best way to contact
1 (204) 872-8600