Advancing Kingdom Work
Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations…and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Mathew 28.18-20). He also promised that as we "Seek first His Kingdom", everything needed will be provided (Mathew 6.33). Our passion is to walk in Kingdom provision while fulfilling Christ's Kingdom mandate.
From the beginning GME has existed to support special building projects. Each project is a unique opportunity to meet practical needs in a developing country.

Around the globe ministries in developing nations work hard to shine the light of the Gospel. They have little in the way of resources but are still fully committed to making disciples and providing for the needs in their communities.

Do you long to get together with others who are hungry to meet with the living God and to know what He is doing and where He is moving in our world today?

What does it mean to be the church? Many Christians have become disillusioned with what they have been told church is and yet they still long for a real relationship with God. Is that possible?

As GME continues to expand, we are grateful for your prayers and financial support.
Contact us today to learn how you can get involved.