Kingdom Gatherings

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30

New Wine Woman's Ministry Night
Last Friday of the Month
Friday January 26th 2024: Jonita Johnston
Friday February 23rd 2024: Mary Beth Lowen
Friday March 29th 2024: Robin McMillin
Free Will Offering
or text (204) 872-7800
Coffee Shop open @ 6:15 PM, for specialty Coffee or Tea beverages and Desserts. Formal sharing @ 7:00 PM.
Come and connect and fellowship with other ladies.
GME THRIFT EMPORIUM: 2380 Sissons Dr. Portage La Prairie, MB
The Open Door
Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Are you aged between 15 and 25? Come and join us at GME Thrift Emporium, located at 2380 Sissons Dr. in Portage la Prairie, MB! Supper is always provided before we dive into the word of God and a time of worship in the meeting room (accessible through the east side door).

House Groups
A house group is any small group of women, men, or youth who meet together regularly and intentionally to encourage and support each other. They may share a meal, have fun doing a group activity or study the Bible and pray for one another. Close, tight-knit, supportive friendships, and a sense of community are able to develop when small groups of people commit to meeting together to grow in Christ.
If you are thinking of starting a house group in your area, we would like to help. Please contact us:
Large Groups
Larger or corporate group gatherings for the purpose of fellowship, teaching, conferences, worship, connecting and networking are also important for the Church. As GME grows, we are working and planning to be able to offer large group events to the Body of Christ. To learn more about our past and future large gatherings, click here.

Kingdom People
Helping People have a Deeper Life with God and One Another
We live surrounded by other people yet research shows that we feel more lonely and alone than ever before. Even "in church", surrounded by dozens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of other Christians, we can feel isolated and alone. We may struggle to experience a deeper spiritual life in Christ and have real relationships with other believers. When this happens, we can end up living superficially instead of having the rich, abundant and powerful life that God intends for His church.
If that is you, take heart; you are not alone. There is a staggering and increasing number of believers who have become dissatisfied with traditional church. Statistics indicate millions of Christians are "done" with church but they are not done with God. Whether you're a "done" or someone just wanting to have a deeper relationship with the Lord and others, we understand. At GME, our greatest passion is to minister to people and facilitate a deeper life and walk with God.